What are vanity addresses?

Vanity address is a unique address that has been created to contain a specific set of characters

  • In Ethereum, an address is a 20-byte hexadecimal value that is used to identify an account on the network. A vanity address is a unique address that has been created to contain a specific set of characters that are chosen by the user. Vanity addresses can be created by generating a large number of addresses and searching for ones that match the desired pattern.
  • For example, a user may want an address that starts with 0xDEF, which is more memorable and easier to recognize than a randomly generated address. By searching through a large number of addresses, the user may eventually find one that matches their desired pattern, such as 0xDEFe456789abcdef123456789abcdef12345678.
  • Creating vanity addresses can be a time-consuming process, as it involves generating and searching through a large number of addresses. However, they can be useful for branding purposes, making it easier for others to remember and recognize an address associated with a particular project or organization.